Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Africam Safari

Africam Safari

If you want to watch the most beautiful and exotic animals of the world in their natural environment face to face, then Africam Safari is what you need. This is an unique zoo in México where you can see wild elephants, lions, zebras, kangaroos and more in the same place!

>What it is?

Africam Safari is an amazing zoo near to Valsequillo Dam in Puebla, Mexico. It has many paths resembling natural habitats where you can see over 2,500 animals and 350 species worldwide into the wild. The park started as a private animal collection owned by Capitain Carlos Camacho, when the people began to visit him often, he got the idea to create a park where animals could develop and reproduce their species in areas resembling their habitat in the wild while he encourage people to his cause. The Safari’s name is a combination of two words AFRIca and his last name CAMacho.

>What can I see?

 The zoo is divided in many parts some of them are:

* Okavango, you can see harmless animals there.

* In Oasis there are parrots like macaws.

* Kalahari is an area where you can find zebras, ostriches, rhinos, etc.

* Serengueti is the most exciting area because there are lions!

* Huasteca is an area where you can find Mexican animals like white-tailed deer.

* In Chitwan are some huge and wild animals like tigers.

* There are other areas like Bakuli, Yellowstone, Adventure zone, tropical jungle, kangaroos zone and X-mahana with amazing animals too.

>Other attractions

* Eurobungy: You can test your skill and energy in this 23ft high suspension bridge slipping by two steel wires.

* Birds Show: Watch them behaving like in their natural environment.

*Safari at night: An adventure in the night as if you were in Africa. You can see lions eating, wolves howling, rhinos walking and giraffes looking at you.

Appearance & character

Ariana Grande

She is an actress and a singer from the TV show ""Victorious". She is very young and  in her late teens. She is thin and probably of medium height. She has long red straight hair, , oval face, brown eyes.

Will Smith

He is a famous Hollywood actor from films as "Men in Black" and "Bad Boys". He is in his early forties and has dark skin. Will is well-built and very tall. He has short dark wavy hair, borwn eyes, mustache and beard.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How annoying!

Oh, that sounds pretty awful Liam, for me, one of the things that really annoy me is when someone take your stuff without asking you first.

Back in the High School, I had a friend with this kind of behavior, and certain day when everybody had to give their  notebook to the teacher, I noticed my notebook wasn't in my backpack and my heart sank because if I didn't hand over it that day, I couldn't do the test.

The next day my friend gave me back my notes, he took them a day before the test and he didn't  tell me. Finally, as you can guess, both of us have to do a retake exam with a minus point.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ways of dealing with bullings

Bullying is a pattern of behavior which involves an imbalance of social, physical or other power. It is directed repeatedly towards specific and general targets or subjects. So, how can you deal with them and don't feel afraid again? [A1]

Firstly, tell a teacher, a parent or someone else in authority what is happening. Consequently, they will be able to tell the bullies that their behavior is unacceptable and hopefully the bullying will stop.

It's important to try to ignore them and avoid showing your feelings if they do or say something to hurt you. The bullies want a reaction, so acting like you don´t care and this way they may stop their bad behavior.

Finally, be brave and stand up for yourself refusing to give in to bullies' demands. By doing this, you will show you are not an easy target and the bully will try to find a weaker target.   [A2]

In conclusion, the bullies are a very serious topic, but there are many ways to rid of those problematic guys. Don't let they control your best days in the school and be smarter than them, with your knowledge and the correct actions, they will never mess with you again.  [A3]

 [A1] State the problem

 [A2] Present the suggestion and results/consequences

 [A3] Summarize your opinion.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Puss caterpillar

Puss caterpillar 

True and False facts

  1. ›The puss caterpillar is also called Pussy Moth. 
  2. ›This moth is only dangerous in its caterpillar stage. 
  3. ›Rashes, blisters, abdominal pains aren't symptoms of caterpillar hair poisoning .
  4. ›Puss caterpillar could cause death. 
  5. ›This animal is covered in tiny green hairs .
  6. ›The caterpillar average size is over is 3.5 inches. 
  7. ›Bellow its hair there are many short spikes that are poisonous.

The adorable puss caterpillar goes by many different names, such as the Tree Asp, Southern Flannel Moth, Pussy Moth, and the Asp Caterpillar.

This moth is only dangerous in its caterpillar stage. The caterpillar is covered in tiny reddish hairs, and all these are attached to venom glands, and once anything comes into contact with the very sharp hairs, they are injected with venom.

The caterpillar's average size is over 1.2 inches.

›Symptoms of caterpillar hair poisoning are nausea, rashes, blisters, abdominal pains, swelling, burning sensations, numbness, chest pains, difficulty in breathing and death. If injected by these furry critters, get help immediately, stop for nothing, your life may depend on it. 

›Many vacations to Mexico have been ruined when children pick up these caterpillars to play with.


  1. True.
  2. True.
  3. False.
  4. True.
  5. False.
  6. False.
  7. True.