Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Puss caterpillar

Puss caterpillar 

True and False facts

  1. ›The puss caterpillar is also called Pussy Moth. 
  2. ›This moth is only dangerous in its caterpillar stage. 
  3. ›Rashes, blisters, abdominal pains aren't symptoms of caterpillar hair poisoning .
  4. ›Puss caterpillar could cause death. 
  5. ›This animal is covered in tiny green hairs .
  6. ›The caterpillar average size is over is 3.5 inches. 
  7. ›Bellow its hair there are many short spikes that are poisonous.

The adorable puss caterpillar goes by many different names, such as the Tree Asp, Southern Flannel Moth, Pussy Moth, and the Asp Caterpillar.

This moth is only dangerous in its caterpillar stage. The caterpillar is covered in tiny reddish hairs, and all these are attached to venom glands, and once anything comes into contact with the very sharp hairs, they are injected with venom.

The caterpillar's average size is over 1.2 inches.

›Symptoms of caterpillar hair poisoning are nausea, rashes, blisters, abdominal pains, swelling, burning sensations, numbness, chest pains, difficulty in breathing and death. If injected by these furry critters, get help immediately, stop for nothing, your life may depend on it. 

›Many vacations to Mexico have been ruined when children pick up these caterpillars to play with.


  1. True.
  2. True.
  3. False.
  4. True.
  5. False.
  6. False.
  7. True.

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