Thursday, October 25, 2012

Suggestions about health problems

A: I have a terrible headache! It really hurts!
B: You could have a nice cup of tea. That might help.

A: I have a terrible flu!
B: You should eat some chicken soup. That might help.

Itchy rash
A: I have an itchy rash!
B: You should rub garlic on it.

Sore throat
A: I have a sore throat! It really hurts!
B: You could swallow a spoonful of honey. That may help.

Waterly Eyes
A: I have waterly eyes. What could I do?
B: You should drink some carrot juice.

Upset Stomach
A: I have a terrible upset headach! It really hurts!
B: You could chew a piece of ginger.

Smelly feet
A: I have a smelly feet problem. What could I do?
B: You should sprinkle some baking sodain your shoes..

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