Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ways of dealing with bullings

Bullying is a pattern of behavior which involves an imbalance of social, physical or other power. It is directed repeatedly towards specific and general targets or subjects. So, how can you deal with them and don't feel afraid again? [A1]

Firstly, tell a teacher, a parent or someone else in authority what is happening. Consequently, they will be able to tell the bullies that their behavior is unacceptable and hopefully the bullying will stop.

It's important to try to ignore them and avoid showing your feelings if they do or say something to hurt you. The bullies want a reaction, so acting like you don´t care and this way they may stop their bad behavior.

Finally, be brave and stand up for yourself refusing to give in to bullies' demands. By doing this, you will show you are not an easy target and the bully will try to find a weaker target.   [A2]

In conclusion, the bullies are a very serious topic, but there are many ways to rid of those problematic guys. Don't let they control your best days in the school and be smarter than them, with your knowledge and the correct actions, they will never mess with you again.  [A3]

 [A1] State the problem

 [A2] Present the suggestion and results/consequences

 [A3] Summarize your opinion.

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