Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Interview with a smokejumper

CBS NEWS (Interview with a smokejumper)

Presenter: Good morning and welcome to the first edition of CBS NEWS bringing you all the latest national and international headlines. Today we have a special guest his name is Alberto and he has a dangerous job. Let's ask him some questions about this interesting job. Alright Alberto, welcome to CBS NEWS, now tell us What do you do?

Alberto: Hello there! I'm a smokejumper.

Presenter: Wow! That sounds pretty cool but... What does a smokejumper actually do?

Alberto: I'm like a firefighter, I put out the fire but only in forest or remote areas and in order to reach this places, I have to parachute out of planes into burning forests and accomplish with my duty.

Presenter: Fascinating, like in an action movie... so What qualities do you need for be a smokejumper?

Alberto:  You have to be very brave and fit, but more important, you need a special and tough training, you have to be a very good parachutist, know about maps and be able to work for long hours in difficult conditions.

Presenter: Ok and Which equipment do you need for do your job?

Alberto: We wear a padded jump jacket, pants boots, gloves, a face mask and a helmet and carry a backpack with food, water and a fire shelter, once we out the air, a plane send us the tools we need to control the fire.

Presenter: Incredible, and one last question Which is the most exciting part of your job?

Alberto: Definitely jump out the plane, I love the feeling of the air against you when you are falling, the rest is harder but once you save a person or a forest of the fire, you feel very proud and happy about your job.

Presenter: Ok, thank you very much for share this with us Alberto, well, that's all folks, See ya until the next time!

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