Monday, September 3, 2012

My Hobby

What's your hobby?
My favorite Hobby is playing videogames. It have been my favorite hobby since I was a child, I like it because it's  a very entertaining way to pass the time and participe in a little adventure where you can saving the world, fighting against the evil, driving futurist cars, flyig starships and more! It's like reading a book or watching a movie, but you can intervene in the story.

What does it involve?
It only involve the devices that you want to play, It could be videogame console and a TV, but you can use a handheld console or you can even play with your computer or your cell phone. And also the people with you want to play, your siblings, your friends, your family and even with people of other places if you play online!

How much time do you spend on it?
I usually play in my free time, like 1 to 3 hours when I'm not busy with the college.

Does it need any special equipment?
Not really, it only needs a console to play, some friends or a good Internet conection if you don't want to play alone. A quiet place, a comfortable chair, a nice TV and sound equipment will make your experience more enjoyable.

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