Monday, September 17, 2012

Interview with Facebook father

Presenter: Welcome again in this new edition of CBS News, this time, we have a special guest, maybe you didn't know him, but I'm sure you know about his revolutionary  brainchild, here you have Facebook's father: Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark: Hi, thank you.

Presenter: Hello Mark, so tell us, How old did you were when you were lauching Facebook?

Mark: Well... I just has 23 years old.

Presenter: Wow amazing and Where were you doing meanwhile?

Mark: At this time, I was stuying  at Hardvard University.

Presenter: Everybody want to know Why did you create Facebook?

Mark: Because a lot of people were asking for a university website with students' profiles and then I decided to did something.

Presenter: And so that's when you developed Facebook, right? Ok, and Did you have  any difficulties when you was lauching your page?

Mark: Actually  three Harvard seniors insisted that while I was working on a similar project with them, I used their ideas to create Facebook.

Presenter: One last question Mark How many people  are there signed up in Facebook?

Mark: We are the biggest social networking site in the world with 500 million user at date.

Presenter: That's simply amazing. Thank you Mark  Zuckerberg for your time.

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