Thursday, September 27, 2012

Paul McCartney's Concert

Hey Andrea!

I hope you had a nice weekend. Guess what I did last week? I attended at Paul McCartney's concert in Monterrey city,  I won the tickets from a radio station contest.

The concert was amazing! There was a huge crowd of people there, about 90, 000 I suppose. I felt like a true V.I.P. because I was so close the stage and I watched everything. The special effects were spectacular with a lot of multicolored lights, laser beams and smoke that covered all the stage. The crowd went really wild when a single  light was aiming toward one person, Sir Paul McCartey appeared on the stage and everybody was yelling like crazies! Suddenly he began to play the piano and interpret "Let it be". The concert's highlight was when Paul sang "Hey Jude", at first everybody were very quiet but when McCartney's voice became increasingly loud all the crowd were singing along with him.

Wow, it really was incredible, I never though that I would ever bein a concert with a great artist as Paul McCartney, It was the time of my life. How about you? Have you ever been to any other concert? I hope you write me back soon and tell me all your news.

Greetings, Alberto.

Interview with María José

Presenter: Good morning, today we have a very famous person in our studio, she is very a beautiful woman and she is a talented solo singer, ballet and flamenco dancer. She is well known and established within the music industry since she was part of a very popular pop-singing band in late 90's, Let's welcome to María José!

María José: Hello there!

Presenter When and where were you born María?

María José: I was born a January 12th in Mexico City.

Presenter: And how did you become famous?

María José: Well at first I started singing in a very popular pop-singing band in Mexico: Kabah. After we disbanded and on 2007, I began my career as solo singer with my  album "¿Quién Eres Tu?"

Presenter: Ok, now tell us, What type of music do you sing?

María José: I sing pop and  electronica music.

Presenter: What are some of your most famous songs?

María José: I think some of them are "No soy una señora", "Un nuevo amor", "Después de tu adiós" and "La Ocasión Para Amarnos"

Presenter: What's the name of your latest album?

María José: My latest album is called "De Noche".

Presenter:  And one last question Where are you going to present?

María José: I am going to be at the Auditorio Nacional this October 26th.

Presenter: All right, thank you very much María José.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Interview with Facebook father

Presenter: Welcome again in this new edition of CBS News, this time, we have a special guest, maybe you didn't know him, but I'm sure you know about his revolutionary  brainchild, here you have Facebook's father: Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark: Hi, thank you.

Presenter: Hello Mark, so tell us, How old did you were when you were lauching Facebook?

Mark: Well... I just has 23 years old.

Presenter: Wow amazing and Where were you doing meanwhile?

Mark: At this time, I was stuying  at Hardvard University.

Presenter: Everybody want to know Why did you create Facebook?

Mark: Because a lot of people were asking for a university website with students' profiles and then I decided to did something.

Presenter: And so that's when you developed Facebook, right? Ok, and Did you have  any difficulties when you was lauching your page?

Mark: Actually  three Harvard seniors insisted that while I was working on a similar project with them, I used their ideas to create Facebook.

Presenter: One last question Mark How many people  are there signed up in Facebook?

Mark: We are the biggest social networking site in the world with 500 million user at date.

Presenter: That's simply amazing. Thank you Mark  Zuckerberg for your time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Travel experience

I was having a nice time when I traveled to the magic town, Cuetzalan. I made a trip with my sister and her friends by bus and it took us about four hours to reach the city. It was pretty boring but we were watching stunning landscapes, a lots of green mountains, nature life and a dense fog. When we finally arrived to the hotel we were catching another bus to reach Cuetzalan, and we visited city's plinth and cathedral and we were meeting locals, they were very kind people. In the evening we visited a restaurant in the city center and we were trying local food as tamales and tlayoyos.

The next day we went outside the city and we were exploring a dark and wet cave, it was thrilling and fun but in the midway I was feeling sick, and I had to leave to take fresh air. Later we were visiting some tall and beautiful waterfalls, there, we had a picnic, took a lot of photos, got wet each other and dry with the sunlight.

At noon, some locals gave us a ride while we were admiring the coffee fields, when they grew the best grains of the country. We arrived to Cuetzalan for buy some souvenirs, but it was starting rain so we had to come back early to Puebla.

The way to home was faster that expected, and we enjoyed the gorgeous  landscape one last time, indeed, they were some beautiful vacations.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A job interview

Christopher: Good morning, I'm Christopher Guarneros.

Alberto: Nice to meet you Christopher. Please have a seat.

Christopher: Thank you.

Alberto: So, Christopher, tell me a little of yourself.

Christopher: Well, I'm 21 years old, I'm a student , and I'm looking for a part-time job to help pay for college.

Alberto: I see. Why do you think you'll be a good waiter?

Christopher: Well, I'm think I'm a hardworking person and honest also I'm friendly and helpful.

Alberto: Do you have any experience in this type of work?

Christopher: Yes. I worked in an Italian Coffee, and Samborns restaurant, and many other ones like in "Mi viejo pueblito".

Alberto: Oh that's great. If we offer you the job, When can you start?

Christopher:  I can start immediately.

Alberto: Ok, Christopher: , I think that's all I need to know, I'll be in touch.

Christopher:  Thank you very much for your time.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hobbies of my classmates

Her hobby is listening music. She loves music and she likes to hear all kinds of music gender and her favorite music gender are Reggae and Scat. Her favorite singer is Alejandro Sanz, she madly loves him but she admits she doesn't like his music.

She has a lot hobbies, some of them are chating with friends, surfing the Net, helping their parents, hanging out with friends and with her boyfriend, going to the cinemas, listening music and Ice Skating.

Daniela's hobbies are the , surfing in the Net, watching movies,  playing videogames and with her young 12 years old brother. She also likes Football Soccer, she is a big fan and her favorite Soccer Teams are América FC and Lobos BUAP.

My Hobby

What's your hobby?
My favorite Hobby is playing videogames. It have been my favorite hobby since I was a child, I like it because it's  a very entertaining way to pass the time and participe in a little adventure where you can saving the world, fighting against the evil, driving futurist cars, flyig starships and more! It's like reading a book or watching a movie, but you can intervene in the story.

What does it involve?
It only involve the devices that you want to play, It could be videogame console and a TV, but you can use a handheld console or you can even play with your computer or your cell phone. And also the people with you want to play, your siblings, your friends, your family and even with people of other places if you play online!

How much time do you spend on it?
I usually play in my free time, like 1 to 3 hours when I'm not busy with the college.

Does it need any special equipment?
Not really, it only needs a console to play, some friends or a good Internet conection if you don't want to play alone. A quiet place, a comfortable chair, a nice TV and sound equipment will make your experience more enjoyable.