Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Africam Safari

Africam Safari

If you want to watch the most beautiful and exotic animals of the world in their natural environment face to face, then Africam Safari is what you need. This is an unique zoo in México where you can see wild elephants, lions, zebras, kangaroos and more in the same place!

>What it is?

Africam Safari is an amazing zoo near to Valsequillo Dam in Puebla, Mexico. It has many paths resembling natural habitats where you can see over 2,500 animals and 350 species worldwide into the wild. The park started as a private animal collection owned by Capitain Carlos Camacho, when the people began to visit him often, he got the idea to create a park where animals could develop and reproduce their species in areas resembling their habitat in the wild while he encourage people to his cause. The Safari’s name is a combination of two words AFRIca and his last name CAMacho.

>What can I see?

 The zoo is divided in many parts some of them are:

* Okavango, you can see harmless animals there.

* In Oasis there are parrots like macaws.

* Kalahari is an area where you can find zebras, ostriches, rhinos, etc.

* Serengueti is the most exciting area because there are lions!

* Huasteca is an area where you can find Mexican animals like white-tailed deer.

* In Chitwan are some huge and wild animals like tigers.

* There are other areas like Bakuli, Yellowstone, Adventure zone, tropical jungle, kangaroos zone and X-mahana with amazing animals too.

>Other attractions

* Eurobungy: You can test your skill and energy in this 23ft high suspension bridge slipping by two steel wires.

* Birds Show: Watch them behaving like in their natural environment.

*Safari at night: An adventure in the night as if you were in Africa. You can see lions eating, wolves howling, rhinos walking and giraffes looking at you.

Appearance & character

Ariana Grande

She is an actress and a singer from the TV show ""Victorious". She is very young and  in her late teens. She is thin and probably of medium height. She has long red straight hair, , oval face, brown eyes.

Will Smith

He is a famous Hollywood actor from films as "Men in Black" and "Bad Boys". He is in his early forties and has dark skin. Will is well-built and very tall. He has short dark wavy hair, borwn eyes, mustache and beard.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

How annoying!

Oh, that sounds pretty awful Liam, for me, one of the things that really annoy me is when someone take your stuff without asking you first.

Back in the High School, I had a friend with this kind of behavior, and certain day when everybody had to give their  notebook to the teacher, I noticed my notebook wasn't in my backpack and my heart sank because if I didn't hand over it that day, I couldn't do the test.

The next day my friend gave me back my notes, he took them a day before the test and he didn't  tell me. Finally, as you can guess, both of us have to do a retake exam with a minus point.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ways of dealing with bullings

Bullying is a pattern of behavior which involves an imbalance of social, physical or other power. It is directed repeatedly towards specific and general targets or subjects. So, how can you deal with them and don't feel afraid again? [A1]

Firstly, tell a teacher, a parent or someone else in authority what is happening. Consequently, they will be able to tell the bullies that their behavior is unacceptable and hopefully the bullying will stop.

It's important to try to ignore them and avoid showing your feelings if they do or say something to hurt you. The bullies want a reaction, so acting like you don´t care and this way they may stop their bad behavior.

Finally, be brave and stand up for yourself refusing to give in to bullies' demands. By doing this, you will show you are not an easy target and the bully will try to find a weaker target.   [A2]

In conclusion, the bullies are a very serious topic, but there are many ways to rid of those problematic guys. Don't let they control your best days in the school and be smarter than them, with your knowledge and the correct actions, they will never mess with you again.  [A3]

 [A1] State the problem

 [A2] Present the suggestion and results/consequences

 [A3] Summarize your opinion.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Puss caterpillar

Puss caterpillar 

True and False facts

  1. ›The puss caterpillar is also called Pussy Moth. 
  2. ›This moth is only dangerous in its caterpillar stage. 
  3. ›Rashes, blisters, abdominal pains aren't symptoms of caterpillar hair poisoning .
  4. ›Puss caterpillar could cause death. 
  5. ›This animal is covered in tiny green hairs .
  6. ›The caterpillar average size is over is 3.5 inches. 
  7. ›Bellow its hair there are many short spikes that are poisonous.

The adorable puss caterpillar goes by many different names, such as the Tree Asp, Southern Flannel Moth, Pussy Moth, and the Asp Caterpillar.

This moth is only dangerous in its caterpillar stage. The caterpillar is covered in tiny reddish hairs, and all these are attached to venom glands, and once anything comes into contact with the very sharp hairs, they are injected with venom.

The caterpillar's average size is over 1.2 inches.

›Symptoms of caterpillar hair poisoning are nausea, rashes, blisters, abdominal pains, swelling, burning sensations, numbness, chest pains, difficulty in breathing and death. If injected by these furry critters, get help immediately, stop for nothing, your life may depend on it. 

›Many vacations to Mexico have been ruined when children pick up these caterpillars to play with.


  1. True.
  2. True.
  3. False.
  4. True.
  5. False.
  6. False.
  7. True.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Suggestions about health problems

A: I have a terrible headache! It really hurts!
B: You could have a nice cup of tea. That might help.

A: I have a terrible flu!
B: You should eat some chicken soup. That might help.

Itchy rash
A: I have an itchy rash!
B: You should rub garlic on it.

Sore throat
A: I have a sore throat! It really hurts!
B: You could swallow a spoonful of honey. That may help.

Waterly Eyes
A: I have waterly eyes. What could I do?
B: You should drink some carrot juice.

Upset Stomach
A: I have a terrible upset headach! It really hurts!
B: You could chew a piece of ginger.

Smelly feet
A: I have a smelly feet problem. What could I do?
B: You should sprinkle some baking sodain your shoes..

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Home remedies

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most effective natural remedies in treating a cold because it increases the production of white blood cells, and it can also help to prevent the multiplication of viruses while reducing mucus and inflammation in the nasal passageways.

You can take vitamin C in a pill form, but other foods that are surprisingly packed full of vitamin C include oranges, cauliflower, lemons, broccoli, strawberries, cabbage, peaches, kiwi, tomatoes, and parsley.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup is packed full of nutrients and vitamins that are essential when treating a common cold. Scientific studies have shown that it can actually thin mucus secretions, and the carbohydrates from the broth and noodles can help maintain your child’s energy level as well.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Picture Description Page 49

In the picture 3, there are two little girls. Both of them are sleeping with  their eyes closed. One girl is resting her head in the shoulder of the other girl. They are wearing shirts. I  think they looks very relax and comfortable.

In the picture 5, there are a young woman and a man, both of them are sitting together next to each other in a table. The man is smiling and looking at the girl, and the woman is also is looking to him with her elbow over the table. There is also a newspaper on the board and it has written a crosswords and some answer on it. I think they are trying to spend the time or are waiting for someone.

In picture 6 there is a woman walking a big road in the sunshine. She is wearing shorts, a jacket and sneakers. She is outside and it looks warm and sunny. I think she is happy and enjoying the moment.

Semi-formal E-mail asking

I read your advertisement for learning to sail and I am very interested in joining to the class. However, I would like to ask you a few questions about it.[A1] 

Finally, mi little sister would like to join in too, but she is only 8. Is she too young to take part pf it?[A2] 

Kind regards,
David Enriquez.[A3] 

 [A1]Openning comments, reason for writing

 [A2]What information you would like/your questions

 [A3]Closing comments, kind regards

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I'm in a dark cave, so, I can't see anything! I have a small lantern and all I can see is a wall of rocks, the floor is full of stones too and with a bit of water. I only hear my respiration and the echoes of my movements, I also hear the water's flow, the sounds of drops falling to the floor and some mouse-like chirps. I'm a bit scared but also I feel a sort of excited, I have never been in a place like this.

Outdoor leisure activities

Go Paintballing in a forest.
It’s a game where people form two teams and everybody uses a mask, a vest and a paintball rifle to fire against your foes. Lose the first team with all their members with a spot of paint.

Do Aqua aerobics.
It’s a gymnastic activity where a group does the same exercises of their trainer but in the water and wearing a swimsuit and a swim cap.

Go bird watching in a nature reserve.
It’s an activity where watching different types of birds several hours in a nature reserve through binoculars and a camera.

Play cards in the park.
It’s a game that requires at least two people to play and a deck of cards. Sometimes, the people use it to bet money or goods.

Go zip-lining through the jungle.
It’s an activity in which people are raised individually in a chair to a tall tree and slide down by a rope. It only requires a helmet and gloves.

Global Warming


·         Scientists are more than 90% certain that it is primarily caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Electricity causes pollution in many ways, some worse than others.  In most cases, fossil fuels are burned to create electricity.


  • Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.
  • Sea level rise became faster over the last century.
  • Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average.
  • Decline of certain species as the Adélie penguins on Antarctica.  Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas. Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks to 20 years of warm summers. The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.

Effects could happen later, if warming continues

  • Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23.
  • Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger.
  • Species that depend on one another may become out of sync.
  • Floods and droughts will become more common.
  • Less fresh water will be available.
  • Some diseases will spread, such as malaria carried by mosquitoes.
  • Ecosystems will change—some species will move farther north or become more successful; others won’t be able to move and could become extinct.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Paul McCartney's Concert

Hey Andrea!

I hope you had a nice weekend. Guess what I did last week? I attended at Paul McCartney's concert in Monterrey city,  I won the tickets from a radio station contest.

The concert was amazing! There was a huge crowd of people there, about 90, 000 I suppose. I felt like a true V.I.P. because I was so close the stage and I watched everything. The special effects were spectacular with a lot of multicolored lights, laser beams and smoke that covered all the stage. The crowd went really wild when a single  light was aiming toward one person, Sir Paul McCartey appeared on the stage and everybody was yelling like crazies! Suddenly he began to play the piano and interpret "Let it be". The concert's highlight was when Paul sang "Hey Jude", at first everybody were very quiet but when McCartney's voice became increasingly loud all the crowd were singing along with him.

Wow, it really was incredible, I never though that I would ever bein a concert with a great artist as Paul McCartney, It was the time of my life. How about you? Have you ever been to any other concert? I hope you write me back soon and tell me all your news.

Greetings, Alberto.

Interview with María José

Presenter: Good morning, today we have a very famous person in our studio, she is very a beautiful woman and she is a talented solo singer, ballet and flamenco dancer. She is well known and established within the music industry since she was part of a very popular pop-singing band in late 90's, Let's welcome to María José!

María José: Hello there!

Presenter When and where were you born María?

María José: I was born a January 12th in Mexico City.

Presenter: And how did you become famous?

María José: Well at first I started singing in a very popular pop-singing band in Mexico: Kabah. After we disbanded and on 2007, I began my career as solo singer with my  album "¿Quién Eres Tu?"

Presenter: Ok, now tell us, What type of music do you sing?

María José: I sing pop and  electronica music.

Presenter: What are some of your most famous songs?

María José: I think some of them are "No soy una señora", "Un nuevo amor", "Después de tu adiós" and "La Ocasión Para Amarnos"

Presenter: What's the name of your latest album?

María José: My latest album is called "De Noche".

Presenter:  And one last question Where are you going to present?

María José: I am going to be at the Auditorio Nacional this October 26th.

Presenter: All right, thank you very much María José.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Interview with Facebook father

Presenter: Welcome again in this new edition of CBS News, this time, we have a special guest, maybe you didn't know him, but I'm sure you know about his revolutionary  brainchild, here you have Facebook's father: Mark Zuckerberg.

Mark: Hi, thank you.

Presenter: Hello Mark, so tell us, How old did you were when you were lauching Facebook?

Mark: Well... I just has 23 years old.

Presenter: Wow amazing and Where were you doing meanwhile?

Mark: At this time, I was stuying  at Hardvard University.

Presenter: Everybody want to know Why did you create Facebook?

Mark: Because a lot of people were asking for a university website with students' profiles and then I decided to did something.

Presenter: And so that's when you developed Facebook, right? Ok, and Did you have  any difficulties when you was lauching your page?

Mark: Actually  three Harvard seniors insisted that while I was working on a similar project with them, I used their ideas to create Facebook.

Presenter: One last question Mark How many people  are there signed up in Facebook?

Mark: We are the biggest social networking site in the world with 500 million user at date.

Presenter: That's simply amazing. Thank you Mark  Zuckerberg for your time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Travel experience

I was having a nice time when I traveled to the magic town, Cuetzalan. I made a trip with my sister and her friends by bus and it took us about four hours to reach the city. It was pretty boring but we were watching stunning landscapes, a lots of green mountains, nature life and a dense fog. When we finally arrived to the hotel we were catching another bus to reach Cuetzalan, and we visited city's plinth and cathedral and we were meeting locals, they were very kind people. In the evening we visited a restaurant in the city center and we were trying local food as tamales and tlayoyos.

The next day we went outside the city and we were exploring a dark and wet cave, it was thrilling and fun but in the midway I was feeling sick, and I had to leave to take fresh air. Later we were visiting some tall and beautiful waterfalls, there, we had a picnic, took a lot of photos, got wet each other and dry with the sunlight.

At noon, some locals gave us a ride while we were admiring the coffee fields, when they grew the best grains of the country. We arrived to Cuetzalan for buy some souvenirs, but it was starting rain so we had to come back early to Puebla.

The way to home was faster that expected, and we enjoyed the gorgeous  landscape one last time, indeed, they were some beautiful vacations.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A job interview

Christopher: Good morning, I'm Christopher Guarneros.

Alberto: Nice to meet you Christopher. Please have a seat.

Christopher: Thank you.

Alberto: So, Christopher, tell me a little of yourself.

Christopher: Well, I'm 21 years old, I'm a student , and I'm looking for a part-time job to help pay for college.

Alberto: I see. Why do you think you'll be a good waiter?

Christopher: Well, I'm think I'm a hardworking person and honest also I'm friendly and helpful.

Alberto: Do you have any experience in this type of work?

Christopher: Yes. I worked in an Italian Coffee, and Samborns restaurant, and many other ones like in "Mi viejo pueblito".

Alberto: Oh that's great. If we offer you the job, When can you start?

Christopher:  I can start immediately.

Alberto: Ok, Christopher: , I think that's all I need to know, I'll be in touch.

Christopher:  Thank you very much for your time.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hobbies of my classmates

Her hobby is listening music. She loves music and she likes to hear all kinds of music gender and her favorite music gender are Reggae and Scat. Her favorite singer is Alejandro Sanz, she madly loves him but she admits she doesn't like his music.

She has a lot hobbies, some of them are chating with friends, surfing the Net, helping their parents, hanging out with friends and with her boyfriend, going to the cinemas, listening music and Ice Skating.

Daniela's hobbies are the , surfing in the Net, watching movies,  playing videogames and with her young 12 years old brother. She also likes Football Soccer, she is a big fan and her favorite Soccer Teams are América FC and Lobos BUAP.

My Hobby

What's your hobby?
My favorite Hobby is playing videogames. It have been my favorite hobby since I was a child, I like it because it's  a very entertaining way to pass the time and participe in a little adventure where you can saving the world, fighting against the evil, driving futurist cars, flyig starships and more! It's like reading a book or watching a movie, but you can intervene in the story.

What does it involve?
It only involve the devices that you want to play, It could be videogame console and a TV, but you can use a handheld console or you can even play with your computer or your cell phone. And also the people with you want to play, your siblings, your friends, your family and even with people of other places if you play online!

How much time do you spend on it?
I usually play in my free time, like 1 to 3 hours when I'm not busy with the college.

Does it need any special equipment?
Not really, it only needs a console to play, some friends or a good Internet conection if you don't want to play alone. A quiet place, a comfortable chair, a nice TV and sound equipment will make your experience more enjoyable.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Interview with a smokejumper

CBS NEWS (Interview with a smokejumper)

Presenter: Good morning and welcome to the first edition of CBS NEWS bringing you all the latest national and international headlines. Today we have a special guest his name is Alberto and he has a dangerous job. Let's ask him some questions about this interesting job. Alright Alberto, welcome to CBS NEWS, now tell us What do you do?

Alberto: Hello there! I'm a smokejumper.

Presenter: Wow! That sounds pretty cool but... What does a smokejumper actually do?

Alberto: I'm like a firefighter, I put out the fire but only in forest or remote areas and in order to reach this places, I have to parachute out of planes into burning forests and accomplish with my duty.

Presenter: Fascinating, like in an action movie... so What qualities do you need for be a smokejumper?

Alberto:  You have to be very brave and fit, but more important, you need a special and tough training, you have to be a very good parachutist, know about maps and be able to work for long hours in difficult conditions.

Presenter: Ok and Which equipment do you need for do your job?

Alberto: We wear a padded jump jacket, pants boots, gloves, a face mask and a helmet and carry a backpack with food, water and a fire shelter, once we out the air, a plane send us the tools we need to control the fire.

Presenter: Incredible, and one last question Which is the most exciting part of your job?

Alberto: Definitely jump out the plane, I love the feeling of the air against you when you are falling, the rest is harder but once you save a person or a forest of the fire, you feel very proud and happy about your job.

Presenter: Ok, thank you very much for share this with us Alberto, well, that's all folks, See ya until the next time!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Many years ago my family and I went to Veracruz . It was wonderful but we had some inconvenients. The first day we arrived at night and we didn't find a good hotel for hours. The next day we went to the beach but only played in the sand because it was very dirty and the waves were very strong, anyway it was pretty fun, we made some Sand Castles and ate Ice Cream.

The next day the weather was awful, but we can swam in the Hotel's Pool and later we visited the Aquarium and watched a lot of fishes and other sea creatures. The last day we walked around the city and then we ate in a Sea Food Restaurant. Finally, when we wanted go back to Puebla, the car broke down and we stayed in Veracruz one more day.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


About me
Hello, my name is Alberto and I'm 21 years old. I'm a student of Computer Science at the BUAP. I'm Mexican and I'm from Puebla, I like reading, playing video games, surfing in the net and going to the movies. My favorite tv shows are the Simpsons, House M.D. and Phineas and Ferb. My favorite music is Rock and Pop from 80's and 90's, my favorite singers are Ricardo Arjona and Michael Jackson.

About my family
I live with my family, my father is an architect and my mother is a housewife, my sister is an accountant and my brother is a high school student. My pet is a beige fur dog called Charlie.

About my daily routine
I wake up early and I bring my brother to the school, I go to the University and spend some time in the library then I pick up my brother from his school and we go back home, later  I cook sometimes and help my brother with his homework, after, I do my homework, use the computer or play video games, In the evening I dine with my family, watch some tv and go to sleep.

About this
Right now I'm coursing English level 3, and this is my first classwork. I hope I'm doing it right teacher. Greetings!